Leadership Development Opportunity – 4周带薪教育假
The 十博官网在线 教育 department is excited to bring back our 4-week program, which has been an important foundation for many leaders and activists in our union. It is by far our most comprehensive and in-depth program. 涵盖经济等主题, 政治, 全球化, 平等和社会运动, one of our key goals is to develop and deepen a sense of working class identity – a strong and meaningful connection to our union and our vision for the working class. The program draws on 资源 both in and out of our union to engage participants on current issues and to orient and engage around the work of our union and our social justice allies.
课堂之外, participants will engage in committee work on current issues throughout their 4 weeks.
Participants are required to enroll in all 4 weeks of the program.
- 第一周- 十博官网在线 Foundations - 2023年4月16日至21日
- 第二周-加拿大和世界- 2023年6月18日至23日
- 第三周-人权- 2023年10月1日至6日
- Week 4 – From Discussion to Action - November 12 to 17, 2023
Participants and their Local Union executive may download and complete the application form. Applicants cannot approve their own payroll/expense form. This form must be signed by the Local Union President, Secretary-Treasurer or Chairperson other than oneself.
Applications must be submitted by March 2023 in order to be considered.
This is a course for members, activists and leaders. The course begins by examining the nature of work and exploring what workers have in common today. 我们看看它是如何工作的, 工作条件, and control over work have been shaped by the development of the capitalist system from colonialism to the present day.
Starting with our experiences as workers and community members, we examine various ways that 政府s have responded to global and corporate pressures and how this directly impacts our life experiences – from our health, 回到我们生活和工作的地方, 我们吃什么, 我们如何度过时间.
我们将探讨工会是如何运作的, 我们为工人所做的一切, and how unions have changed the nature of work and helped shape society. We’ll investigate our own union’s history and consider the challenges we face today. We’ll look at basic principles of collective bargaining, 民主联盟, 工党在政治中的角色, 工人阶级多样性, 以及工会的更新. We’ll include a focus on ways that working people have envisioned and fought for a more just and equal society.
在当今世界, where trade deals and global competition have workers struggling to maintain their rights, 团结比以往任何时候都更加重要. This course will reflect on our connections to workers around the world and look at some alternatives to the environmental, 我们面临的政治和社会问题.
随着这一周的展开, 我们将研究企业所扮演的角色, 政府, 大众传媒, workers and consumers in this system of global capitalism. 我们来看看提取过程, 生产, 分布, 我们使用的产品的消费和处理, and we’ll look at the changing nature of public services. We’ll compare how workers in Canada and workers elsewhere in the world are responding to global capitalism, 我们将寻找合作的途径. Participants will have a chance to practice bringing a current international campaign to the local union and our communities.
十博官网在线,让我们的分析更加敏锐, 了解更多关于工作和工人的世界, and develop our confidence to change the course of global capitalism.
This 1-week program is critical for leadership and activists, 当我们一起学习如何建立一个强大的, 联合工会致力于社会正义. 种族歧视, 恐同症, 性别歧视, disability prejudice and other forms of discrimination divide us as workers and weaken our union. This course asks each of us to take on the challenge of working toward real equality, 首先要了解压迫是如何运作的, 通过检查, 歧视是如何以及为什么发生的, 然后通过辩论, 并致力于变革战略.
Participants will become familiar with 十博官网在线 structures, 资源, education programs and networks for advancing human rights and equality struggles in the workplace. Participants are provided with a Human Rights Tool Kit and are asked to consider tough topics such as harassment and employment equity, and to engage each other in challenging conversations. The course includes a focus on the role of allies and shows how human rights struggles can strengthen the union.
*If 4-week 图像的基本单位 participant has already taken the human rights program, they will be enrolled in: Turtle Island: A First Peoples Awareness for Union Activists and Leaders.
Week 3: Turtle Island: A First Peoples Awareness for Union Activists and Leaders.
In this course, we will explore the shared history between indigenous and non-indigenous people. Turtle Island is the name used for North America in some aboriginal cultures and refers to a story about the origin of the earth.
在前三周的基础上, 参与者将学习如何采取具体措施, 以行动为导向的步骤来影响工会的变化, 在社区和市政, 省级和联邦一级的政治. We will deep dive into the critical pillars of activism, 包括实用的通讯工具吗, 理解它的重要性和核心 & bolts of campaigns, advocacy and membership mobilization. Participants will engage and build confidence through hands-on activities such as lobbying, 公众演讲, developing a communications strategy and learning about direct action techniques.
通过这门课程, 与会者将听到历史, 土著人权利, 土著问题, and the links between social unionism and the struggle for self-determination.
We will discuss reconciliation and ways in which the labour movement can share in the process of recognizing and addressing injustices both historic and contemporary.