十博官网在线 offers a number of introductory courses online via our e-learning platform. These online courses cover everything that a newly elected local executive needs to know to develop skills as a leader.
We offer two types of online learning options:
1. Mini Self-Directed Modules
十博官网在线 offers a number of mini self-directed modules that allow members to get a taste of various subjects. These modules can take 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete.
Try our featured Mini Self-Directed Module: So you’re a union rep…now what?
Whether you have been a workplace rep for a while, are new to the role or considering running for a position, this 30-minute module will connect you with information you need.
The self-directed course covers:
- grievance handling,
- human rights, and
- health and safety.
Feel free to revisit the module whenever you like, and we hope you encourage others to check it out.
For more Mini Self-Directed Modules create an account here!
2. Live Discussion Leader-Led Online Courses
These online courses are led by live Discussion Leaders and participants engage in a mix of online and off-line materials throughout the course (everything is contained within the e-learning platform). These courses are 1, 2, and 3 days in length. A minimum of 15 participants is needed to run the course.
2 day Local Union Finances (OLLUF2)
- 3 day Federal Pay Equity Program for Committee Members (OLPAYE3)
Online Local Union Request (LUR)
Local Unions can request online courses. The local should send an email to: @email outlining their needs and preferred dates.
Members, please contact your own local to make a request.
Examples of our popular online courses:
3 day Grievance Handling & Workplace Leadership (OLGHWL3)
1 day Health & Safety - The Basics (OLHS1)
1 day Mental Health Matters (OLMHU1)
View all Online Course Descriptions.
Course requirements for each participant
Each member / participant will need their own set up: A personal email address (No employer emails due to firewalls), a computer equipped with a web camera (webcam) as well as a microphone and speakers (or headphones), and a stable internet connection. A tablet (e.g., iPad) or phone can also be used but not ideal because of their size.
The First Step
Each member, before registering for their first course, needs to create your own 'Profile' on our e-Learning Platform (DOCEBO). This user & password will be your login each time you take an online course - it will let you in to your own personal dashboard.
- Navigate to http://unifor.docebosaas.com/learn at the bottom of the box you will see ' New User? Register '.
- Click 'Register' and fill in your information. PLEASE use your email address as your "USER"